Ohio Judge Orders Hospital to Treat COVID-19 Patient with Cow Dewormer

Should’ve Listened to Dr. Fauci

A Butler County judge ruled for a woman who petitioned the court to force a hospital to treat her husband with Ivermectin. 

Julie Smith’s husband, Jeffrey, has been at West Chester Hospital on a ventilator for 19 days being treated with Remdesivir, plasma and steroids.

That’s when she stated she sought medical advice from their physician Dr. Fred Waghsul. In the complaint, it states Waghsul supported the use of Ivermectin and prescribed it to him. After the hospital refused to administer the treatment, Julie filed the complaint.

In the complaint, she states that she has signed a full release, relieving the hospital from any and all liability concerning the administration of the Ivermectin.

The judge said the drug will be administered in accordance with Dr. Waghsul’s, prescription, which is a 30-mg dose of Ivermectin daily for 21 days.


The lawsuit doesn’t mention whether Jeffrey Smith is vaccinated against COVID-19. However, overwhelming majorities of people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated — data from the Ohio Department of Health shows of roughly 21,000 Ohioans hospitalized with COVID-19 since Jan. 1, only about 500 were vaccinated.

Julie Smith found Ivermectin on her own and connected with Dr. Fred Wagshul, an Ohio physician who her lawsuit identifies as “one of the foremost experts on using Ivermectin in treating COVID-19.” He prescribed the drug, and the hospital refused to administer it.

It’s unclear why the hospital didn’t mount any defense under a new law passed in the state budget this summer that grants health care providers the “freedom to decline to perform” any service which violates their “conscience,” as informed by moral, ethical or religious beliefs.

A hospital spokeswoman said she can’t comment because of privacy laws.

Ohio Capital Journal

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