Florida Parent to School Board: You Are All ‘Demonic Entities’ and Christians are Going to ‘Take you Out’


During the public comment portion of the Lee County school board meeting in Florida Sunday night, a parent opposed to mask mandates in schools had some *choice* words for school board officials.

“My name is Melissa, I have two daughter in the school system. These are demonic entities and we need to stick together. Remember, we have authority in Christ Jesus.

“These are demonic entities in all of the school boards in all of the United States of America. And all of us Christians will be sticking together to take them all out. 

“All the police officers that take us out for our First Amendment right will also be going down with them. Do you understand?

“I’m a nurse, infectious disease, 13 years. Masks don’t work. These doctors that sit up here sneering at us looking at us like we’re scumbags, they need to go back to fucking medical school. Turn my mic on!

After “fucking medical school”, her mic was cut and warned about profanity. She then continued, but didn’t last long.

“You need to remember, natural immunity is best. You are all demonic entities. You are going to be taken down.” 

After “You are going to be taken down” her mic was cut again.


Meanwhile outside the meeting, lot’s of loud voices, some pushing and shoving and a drink goes flying at the 2:30 mark.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it