Says Her Lawsuit Was a Calling From God !


Jennifer Reinoehl filed the lawsuit on Aug. 18, stating that the CDC mask requirements violated laws meant to protect people with disabilities. Krispy Kreme, Sephora and AMC Theatres were among the 16 defendants named in the lawsuit.

The 380-page filing included details of Reinoehl’s interactions with each retail outlet. Over the past year, Reinoehl — who has asthma — has been asked to leave an AMC theater for not wearing a mask. She was also stopped at the door to a Krispy Kreme and Sephora. In addition, her local health clinic said she couldn’t keep visiting without a mask, despite her asthma.

Reinoehl, a nondenominational Protestant Christian, said she “felt like God” was directing her to file the lawsuit.

Both the White House and the CDC have repeatedly said that masks are an effective defense against the spread of COVID-19.


“I’ve been horribly discriminated against and not been allowed to enter a lot of stores,” Reinoehl, who suffers from asthma, said in a phone interview on Wednesday. “I’ve been harassed.”

“Sticking a mask of any kind over your mouth while in public mechanically abridges your freedom of speech by muffling your voice and making your words difficult to understand,” she says in her lawsuit.

Friendly Atheist posted the lawsuit online, reporting that Reinoehl’s experience at a Krispy Kreme store included needing to buy donuts a year ago in June to celebrate the last day of her daughter’s driver’s ed class. Since the drive thru line wrapped around the building, she walked into the store but was turned away because she wasn’t wearing a mask. She complained, but returned wearing a mask. After waiting 10 minutes with the mask on, she says she suffered an asthma attack

She claims the employees and manager were unconcerned she was having an asthma attack and that she could use the drive-through.


Reinoehl, who has a bachelor’s degree in biology, also included in her lawsuit reams of exhibits, many of them historical studies and documents. They included a 1919 report from the secretary of the Navy, which called into question whether masks worked. 

Reinoehl, who said she is a nondenominational Protestant Christian, said she fasted and prayed for about a month earlier this year, seeking a solution to pandemic safety measures that she saw as cut-and-dry government overreach. She said the answer she found was that she should bring the lawsuit.


Read her 246 – page document of exhibits.

Read the lawsuit

No scripture and/or proselytizing

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