Free Range Free Chat

Happy Labor Day, News Viewers, a day off for many humans; a day dedicated to the American Worker; a day initially set aside to honor the labor movement.

While we may think parades, grilling, protesting (basically gathering somewhere other than the office) is a great idea, here at Free Range we think it’s time for The Earth to get a day off from her 24/7 schedule; when we add it up, it appears she hasn’t had a holiday in almost 4.6 Billion years. . . .

Welcome Critters — when the people are inside, you come out to play. . . .maybe we humans should pay attention?

Today let’s celebrate Labor Day for our planet — that means, sorry to say, hard work on our part to give Mother Earth a rest. HOW? Let’s start with walking, not driving; lights off, not on; no shopping for new clothes made in factories with child labor; no plane travel, no use of plastic; picking up plastic and other trash outside so it doesn’t end up in the food chain; no nasty chemicals in the yard and garden that infect the soil. . . .

What do you think, News Viewers? What are your ideas for giving our planet a Labor Day Holiday? More work for us on our non day off, but It’s about time our earth got a holiday from us, don’t you think?

Let’s talk about it— this is Free Range Free Chat — no such thing as off topic within reason- what’s on your mind?