Trump Subject of McConnell’s Humor

Trump Now Trying to Depose Turtle as Senate GOP Leader

Ahead of today’s release of the book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, more excerpts about Trump’s time in office have come out.

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell joked in a cloakroom to GOP colleagues about Trump’s former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calling the *president a moron.

“‘Do you know why Tillerson was able to say that he didn’t call the president a ‘moron?’ McConnell would dryly ask colleagues in his Kentucky drawl. ‘Because he called him a f*cking moron!'”

Tillerson made headlines in 2017 when NBC News reported that he called Trump a “moron,” and was talked out of resigning by Mike Pence. Tillerson denied that he used the term.

The book also said that McConnell believed Trump would lose the election in 2020 by “being Donald Trump.”

McConnell became furious with Trump after the insurrection, and denounced the rioters. Following the second impeachment trial in the Senate, McConnell said there was “no question” that Trump was “practically and morally responsible” for the riot, but that he could not be convicted because he was no longer in office.

Now the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Trump is working to remove McConnell from Senate leadership.

Even Trump sycophant Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) won’t touch Trump’s attempted overthrow of the Turtle.

“Naw, I’m not going to get in that fight,” remarked Tuberville before adding McConnell “is doing a good job.”

Insider, Salon and Raw Story