Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 10/06/21

Since News Views did not feature a Live Blog yesterday, we will treat you to a more detailed morning edition of both yesterday’s and today’s headlines. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.

President Biden/Biden Administration:

Biden administration rolls back Trump-era rule restricting federal funds to clinics over abortion services

The reversal comes as the Supreme Court will consider a case likely to produce the most important ruling on abortion in 30 years.


Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Tuesday signaled he is open to a budget reconciliation bill in the ballpark of $1.9 trillion to $2.2 trillion, above the limit he set just last week of $1.5 trillion.

Not How it Works, Morons:

Send in the Clowns:



Companies hired at a brisk pace in September despite fears about Covid and the economy, ADP says

  • Private jobs rose by 568,000 for the month, better than the Dow Jones estimate of 425,000.
  • The leisure and hospitality sector led job creation with 226,000 hires.
  • Companies with 500 and more employees led job creation with 390,000.


Johnson & Johnson seeks emergency authorization from FDA for coronavirus booster shot

Should’ve Listened to Dr. Fauci Instead of Some ‘Fullish’ MAGAt:

The American Taliban/White ISIS/ MAGAt/Wing Nuts/Gunz!:

The Former Guy:

Trump set to be deposed in lawsuit filed by former ‘Apprentice’ contestant

Raffensperger Went on TV and Said Biden Won GA in Audit and Recount, Then Trump Called

State News:

Ship’s anchor may have caused massive oil spill off the coast of Southern California

Judge rules Kansas City’s reallocation of police funds violated state law

DEA agent killed in shooting at Arizona Amtrak station, suspected gunman dead

Texas board recommends posthumous pardon for George Floyd in 2004 case

The recommendation goes to Gov. Greg Abbott for final approval.

OHIO’S Finest:

Other News:

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