Jim Jordan Wants to Ban All Vaccine Mandates

Before children can attend schools in Ohio, they must be fully immunized against, among other things, polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

But Rep. Jim Jordan (Idiot-Ohio) tweeted that Ohio should ban all vaccine mandates.

Jim Jordan doesn’t seem to assess whether the list of vaccines approved by the Ohio Department of Health are effectively keeping children healthy, he only seems to care that the ban fit his Republican approved ideology.

Jordan’s comments seem to tag team other mandate bashers like Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida state Republican Manny Diaz who last month suggested a “review” of other vaccine mandates.

[I]n the GOP playbook, vaccine mandates are a new concoction by the freedom-hating far-left and government bureaucrats. Could long-standing vaccine mandates be the next target in Republican-led states like Florida? We once thought that would be a far-fetched possibility. Not so much today…. [T]oday we cannot so easily dismiss the idea that lunacy might prevail against established — and effective — public-health measures.

Miami Herald

Republicans also seem to ignore their allies in the business community.

And California Congressman Eric Swalwell has ideas for additional mandates.