Good morning News Viewers and Happy Friday; I’m writing from a cloudy and rainy Washington state where I’m visiting the youngest and his spouse AND where I attended 7th and 8th grade back in the day. Funny thing — regardless of the upheaval and chaos we’re living through, the wars and rumors of wars, the plagues and protests, the music, the tech, I see Mt. Rainier appears unchanged…..I saw it from my childhood window as my son sees it now; I saw it masked up and vaxxed from the air on a flight that resembled a Greyhound Bus with wings, so lumbering, crowded, and grody. . . .Believe me, Rainier has aged more gracefully than the airlines. . . .
So I’ve been out of touch this week at least from the immediacy of the news— it’s been replaced by the constancy of Rainier, and there is comfort in that. . . .But enough about me— what’s going on with you? This is Free Chat— whatcha got?