Free Chat Friday, Week 43

Happy Friday News Viewers, welcome to Free Chat with a Halloween Theme; it is nearly Halloween, the most unscary holiday of the year.. .. ..

While the standard horror tropes — ghosts, witches, fog, skulls and sharp objects — are almost comfort food at this point, true horror is more reality based, and we’ve seen it this week.

Real fear is leaving the baby at a sub-standard daycare because a parent has to return to work a month after birth; real fear is going into stores, restaurants or jobs where people may or may not be contagious, where people may or may not punch each other out for wearing masks or listening to Anthony Fauci. Real horror movies would be about women getting shot at home, children getting shot at school and cinematographers being killed by incompetence and fake guns. . . . Scary is a country saturated with oil and plastic and CO2 and nothing but talk talk talk to address it. . . . .

In the face of REAL scary, Halloween is just candy and costumes, and maybe that’s a break we need. Real scary takes a pause on Halloween, while we gorge ourselves on fake scary. All of us need a holiday from horror, right?

This is Free Chat, our holiday from horror and foray into fun, comfort food, catching up and throwing down….. our time to talk about anything and everything, within and without reason. So what’s happening in your neck of the woods?