FBI Investigating Old NJ Landfill For Jimmy Hoffa’s Remains

(CNN)The FBI conducted another search for the remains of one-time Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa last month, this time under a bridge in Jersey City, New Jersey, a source with knowledge of the search told CNN.

The FBI obtained a search warrant to conduct a “site survey” under the Pulaski Skyway, FBI Special Agent Mara Schneider of the Detroit field office said in a statement Friday.

“On October 25th & 26th, FBI personnel from the Newark and Detroit field offices completed the survey and that data is currently being analyzed,” Schneider said. “Because the affidavit in support of the search warrant was sealed by the court, we are unable to provide any additional information.”

The search was on private property. Radar was used.


The latest effort appears to be tied to interviews given by a man named Frank Cappola, who was a teenager in the 1970s. He said he worked at the old PJP Landfill in Jersey City with his father, Paul Cappola.

Cappola said his dying father explained in 2008 how Hoffa’s body was delivered to the landfill in 1975, placed in a steel drum and buried with other barrels, bricks and dirt, The New York Times and Fox News reported.

Frank Cappola spoke to Fox Nation and journalist Dan Moldea before he died in 2020 and signed a document with his father’s detailed story. Moldea has written extensively about the search for Hoffa.

Huff Post

The story of how the F.B.I. came to learn of the new location begins on a muddy summer day in 1975. A teenage boy named Frank Cappola worked at the former PJP Landfill near the Skyway with his father, Paul Cappola Sr.

“While I was talking to my dad, a black limousine drove into our lot in the mud,” Frank Cappola recalled many years later, in 2019, at age 62, in a sworn written statement before a notary public. His father turned to a partner at the landfill and said, “They’re here.”

The boy watched from a distance as the men approached the vehicle, where they spoke to the visitors and seemed to point to a remote corner of the landfill. He would later learn what was being planned.

✱According to The NY Times, that landfill was searched by the FBI in 1975.

NY Times

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