The two faces of Rep. Nancy Mace: Promote natural immunity; get vaccinated!

Depending on what network Rep. Nancy Mace appears on, she obviously tailors her opinions to fit her audience.

Appearing on Speaking on Fox ‘News’ Sunday Morning Futures with host Jason Chaffetz,  Mace suggested natural immunity gives better protection than vaccinations and we should consider it when looking at policy.

To this date, it remains unclear and undetermined how much natural immunity exists in a person to prevent another bout of COVID-19. To claim otherwise is both reckless and dangerous and could result in more deaths. Currently. the United States has suffered over 777K deaths due to COVID-19.


Johns Hopkins surgeon, Joseph Sakran agreed that Rep. Mace’s comments were both ‘wrong and reckless.’

Shortly after her science denying interview on Fox ‘News,’ Mace dropped the reckless and dangerous suggestions while speaking with CNN host Kaitlin Collins and claimed ‘she has encouraged people to get vaccinations and wear masks to prevent contracting COVID.’

She said: “I have been a proponent of vaccinations and wearing masks when we need to. We had the Delta variant raging in South Carolina, I wrote an Op-Ed to my community and I work with our state department of health, I have run ads encouraging my district to go and get vaccinated.


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