DeSantis Introduces STOP W.O.K.E. Legislature Against CRT

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis early this morning took a stand to STOP W.O.K.E. in schools and workplaces by introducing the “Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act,” or Stop Woke Act.

“Our legislation will defend any money for K-12 going to CRT consultants,” the governor said. “No taxpayer dollars should be used to teach our kids to hate our country or hate each other.”

DeSantis said the Stop W.O.K.E. Act will give parents “private right of action” to sue if they think their kids are being taught critical race theory. It will also allow parents to collect attorneys fees if they are successful in their suit.

DeSantis claims that people are making a fortune on teaching CRT to schools and businesses, and that CRT is masked by the term “equity” and being used to “smuggle in their ideology.”

DeSantis believes the “woke ideology” is an attempt to erase the country’s history by removing statues.