Free Chat Friday, Week 51

Happy Friday News Viewers (or should I say Happy Christmas Eve, 2021). This year, I find myself reframing Christmas, tearing it away from past traditions, family memories, cultural expectations and nutty stories about judgy old men. This Christmas is small and contained, a day inside a snow globe (better called a COVID globe or a Climate Change globe.

This season I’m staying within my little globe — not traveling, not having the whole family in, not venturing outside the spending limits, making Christmas completely different. . . . laser focused on small moments of right here and right now, rather than large hopes for what the presents and the pomp and the family feast should be and must be….

Because all the trappings will end up in the Great Atlantic or Pacific garbage patch anyway — but time with the who eating the what and watching that then– that’s the Christmas I’m excited about. . . oh, and it’s a lot less work. I love that….

Speaking of the garbage patch, that’s where we left big old noxious parts of 2020, and the Week for this day one year ago listed these

  • Trump pardons Manafort, Stone, and Jared Kushner’s father
  • Trump vetoes defense spending bill
  • Pfizer agrees to supply U.S. with 100 million more vaccine doses
  • Trump opposition upends coronavirus-relief plan
  • Barr thanks staff on final day as attorney general
  • Consumer, jobs data indicate COVID surge hampering recovery
  • Pakistani court orders release of man convicted in Daniel Pearl murder
  • Gunmen kill 100 in Ethiopian village
  • Columbus mayor urges firing police officer who killed unarmed Black man
  • Houston Rockets’ season opener postponed

From The Week, December 24, 2020

This is Friday Free Chat, so share and share alike; we look forward to hearing thoughts, plans and solutions, and let’s add, “what I won’t miss about 2021.” So whatcha got, folks?