Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards, co-founded by professional photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam in 2015, unsurprisingly celebrates the latter while promoting wildlife conservation. This year’s finalists, announced at the start of the month, feature MORE

Last Call

Last Call: September 11, 2021

Goooood evening, News Viewers. Sure hope all is well in your world and everyone is staying safe. Although today is a day of remembrance, for us, it’s also a day of celebration. It’s Mr. G’s MORE


Never Forget: September 11, 2001

It’s been 20 years since that horrific morning when terrorist attacks launched by al-Qaeda (not the Taliban) brought down the World Trade Center, attacked the Pentagon, and crashed a plane into a field in Shanksville, Pa. MORE

It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

Things got real this week when Joe Biden gave the country the “dad talk” about the resisters who are wearing us out and making us sick, literally and figuratively. This minority of self-described “patriots” forget MORE