Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Labor Day, News Viewers, a day off for many humans; a day dedicated to the American Worker; a day initially set aside to honor the labor movement. While we may think parades, grilling, protesting MORE


Last Call: September 04, 2021

Happy September everyone….this year has flown by. I’m going to be short and sweet tonight because I’m going to a play; it’s a tribute to the late, great, Ms. Lady Day, Billie Holliday. So, pull MORE

It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

It’s Labor Day weekend already, so I believe that officially makes it Pumpkin Spice Season, amirite? I admit I pulled out a cookie mix — Betty Crocker/Pillsbury? — and baked some up in the air MORE