Nailin’ Palin Says Liberals “Pound, Pound, Pound” Sex into Americans’ Heads

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said in an interview word salad on Fox News that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was “creepy” and appeared to have an obsession with sex.

Palin’s comments referred to AOC’s recent observations that Republicans were frustrated that none of them were dating her, as she drank a martini maskless in Florida while on vacation.

In translation, Palin said this, and good luck trying to make sense of it: AOC’s “suggestion of dating and, you know, attraction to someone, and blaming her failures on that, that obsession with sex! Look how the liberals, Rachel, want to pound that into the public’s head!”

Palin continued with the word salad, commenting about the actual first woman Vice President, Kamala Harris. Doggone it, can anyone translate this?

Channeling, something-something, “fake feminists,” something-something…

Business Insider, Newsweek