Experts unsure what kind of animal Pennsylvania woman rescued

 A Pennsylvania woman thought she brought in a dog wandering in the cold, but now, wildlife experts are working to figure out what type of animal it is.

Christina Eyth thought the animal was her neighbor’s loose dog when she saw paw prints outside her door, so she followed the tracks and found

“I peeked outside the door and that’s whenever I noticed the animal on the left-hand side. And it was so scared and cold and shivering,” Eyth said.

When she realized it was not her neighbor’s dog, she took the animal into her basement to get it out of the cold. She then called wildlife experts.

“Behavior-wise, he’s very timid, very scared and not aggressive at all, which makes me lean toward dog,” said Morgan Barron, a certified wildlife rehabilitator,

The animal is being treated and is in isolation as a precaution

Source: NBC