Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers! Grab your coffee/caffeine fix and join us for another free chat, where we can focus on anything within reason.

Coffee Talk is the spot to share what you want us to know that hasn’t been mentioned elsewhere on NewsViews. It’s the place to share personal snippets, concerns, tips, jokes, recipes, and/or the habits of your furry family.

Coffee Talk provides a little “liquid caffeinated courage” to begin the day with a suggested topic — in case you didn’t wake up with one.

Today’s Topic:

Gonna make this easy.

Who would you enjoy seeing (wink-wink) as the next Academy Awards host?

Be creative with your suggestions, as we could probably all agree with the most obvious Host With The Most — one who has experience talking a lot, making great jokes, has the bigliest moves like Jagger……

Really, give us a giggle or two or three. We deserve it!

Happy Thursday, and enjoy your Thursday free chat at Coffee Talk!