Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers.

I’m into my second cup, but still struggling.

Is there anyone else who is functioning just fine during the day, but at night……not so much?

For about a week now my sleep has been invaded by Russians, and their death and destruction. Sometimes I’m waking from the dreams, getting out of bed, but returning to muddy images, which vary from vague to vivid.

This was what I woke to today, literally and figuratively. Like the little girl in the red coat in Schindler’s List, I remember seeing the red nails in my dreams. Here she is.

Today’s Topic:

Calgon, take me away. Surrounded by doom, I would appreciate some solitude and peace; warm, salty water and an escape from reality.

What essential items would you take to your own remote island getaway?

I need my favorite pillow and my Chaco flip-flops.

What about you?

This is your free chat for Thursday, what’s messing with your harmony today? Feel free to cheer me up!