Rep. Lauren Boebert Cooks Up Conspiracy Theory About Companies Covering Abortion Costs 

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) sparked outrage on Monday when she suggested companies that are offering to pay the travel costs for employees to receive abortions are just doing it to save on paying for parental leave instead.

“Anyone else consider that these companies suddenly offering to pay for employee abortions are doing so just to avoid paying for maternity leave?” she asked on Twitter. “Cheaper to kill the baby… true evil personified,” Boebert said.

Critics reminded the congresswoman of her past criticism of parental leave.

Said Boebert, “While the country fell into one of the worst supply-chain crises since 1979, the guy in charge of it all, Mayor Pete, was on a two-month maternity, paternity, whatever the heck you want to call it, leave,” she added in her monologue, in what many perceived to be a not-so-subtle swipe about the transportation secretary’s sexual orientation. ”The guy was gone, the guy was not working. Because why? He was trying to figure out how to chest feed.”

They also accused her of twisting the pledges made by companies(including Apple, Amazon and Microsoft) in the wake of the leak of a Supreme Court draft that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The conspiracy-touting far-right congresswoman has toed the Republican party line when it comes to the policy of a federal law providing paid parental leave, something that is done in more than 120 nations by law.

Source: Huffpo The Independent