House Ethics Committee Launches Investigation into Madison Cawthorne and Ronnie Jackson

Things just keep getting worse for the kicked to the curb, Congresscritter Maddie Cawthorne.

Committee Chair Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) and top Republican member Jackie Walorski (Ind.) of the House Ethics Committee just released a statement stating the Committee is investigating Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) for allegedly engaging in an improper relationship with a staffer and promoting a cryptocurrency in which he had an undisclosed interest.

According to Axios:

The context: A super PAC focused on opposing Cawthorn filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics alleging Cawthorn provided housing, travel and loans to a staffer, which they said was improperly disclosed.

  • According to the complaint, the staffer, Stephen L. Smith, accompanied Cawthorn on his honeymoon in Dubai.
  • Smith is Cawthorn’s cousin, Cawthorn spokesperson Luke Ball told Insider, calling the complaint “ridiculous.”

But Wait! There’s More:

We just learned that TFG’s other favorite ‘doctor,’ Ronnie Jackson, is also under investigation by the same House committee.

House Ethics Office: ‘Substantial Reason To Believe’ Rep. Ronny Jackson Violated Law By Using Campaign Funds For Personal Expenses

The House Office of Congressional Ethics found “substantial reason to believe” Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) spent campaign funds on personal expenses, according to documents release Monday. 

The accusations into the former White House physician center around his campaign’s payments to the Amarillo Club, a private dining club in Amarillo, Texas.

The probe into the possible violations has moved on to the bipartisan House Committee on Ethics for further review. Unlike the independent, nonpartisan Office of Congressional Ethics, that 10-member panel is empowered to subpoena and sanction House members. 

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