Coffee Talk

Rise and shine, NewsViewers, welcome to Coffee Talk — where we talk coffee, a suggested topic, and everything else under the sun in Thursday’s free chat forum.

Speaking of sun…..It’s about time we see some of that in the moldy middle-Midwest. It’s been unseasonably cool, cloudy, and damp for days. The fog is finally burning off with an expected improvement on the trend, if you call low 70s an improvement.

I even fired up the furnace to take off the chill yesterday, and made tomato soup and a grilled cheese for dinner — the ultimate Americana comfort food.

Today’s Topic

I was a teenager when I realized that there’s more than one way to make a grilled cheese, as I watched my friend put a dab of butter in a pan and pull out the Kraft American cheese slices. What was this? I was shocked to see a method that didn’t start with buttered slices of bread and some cheddar. Later when I was an adventurous single foodie making my fridge a divergence from my mother’s, I started experimenting and finding my own personal gourmet grilled cheese.

What’s your secret sauce to making an epic grilled cheese sandwich?

I’ve tried mayonnaise instead of butter; and I’ll experiment with varying textures of bread; and of course whatever cheese I have on hand — but the gourmet sammie from my kitchen always includes a blend that includes gooey Muenster for the most unique Gumby-like stretch and nutty flavor.

The internet reveals a plethora of ideas.

Remember, this is Thursday’s free chat, so it’s your opportunity to speak up and chat about the topic of your choice — and also an opportunity to tell us about your best grilled cheese, as inspiration for today’s topic.

Have a great Thursday everyone, enjoy your coffee and your FREE chat!