Free Chat Friday, Week 23

Happy Friday, News Viewers on another hot day; hot here in the South, hot for a Republican Party, at least those who watched the first hearings about January 6. We know the delusions about “The Big Lie” will continue, but they’re fading. I had to watch it recorded because I wasn’t here at the time, but late into the night, I felt a sense of relief. Truth. What a relief to just get a dose of truth.

Sadly, it looks like it’s all taking so long that Joe Biden’s presidency has suffered as a result; Trump lost the election but kept the spotlight, the bully pulpit and Fox; in many ways, he and his have held this country hostage; I’m ready to never have to hear his name again. Truth. Your Move, DOJ….

Using Food as a Weapon of War, Cartoon from the Netherlands
Cartoon for June 5-8, earth and oceans days, Cartoon from Cuba

What are your thoughts on this Friday? Best word for me is a phrase they used to use for babies at a certain stage of development when they were beginning to take it all in, “sober and alert.” I feel sober, sobered again after last night; relieved but alert, looking out for another shoe to drop and hoping that it doesn’t. (We can be hopeful and skeptical at the same time, right? If we’re not fundamentalists, we can)

This is free chat, our Friday open forum; no topic is THE topic, meaning anything goes as long as it’s not clashing with the “Don’t be an asshole” rule; and as long as it doesn’t clash with the “Don’t be an asshole troll” rule either– So, share and share alike. What’s going on with you all, the NV Community?