Mile Long School Bus Convoy Visits Ted Cruz

A mobile museum of 52 school buses visited the home and office of Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Thursday in protest of gun violence. The Cruz home was its first stop.

The Yellow Bus Project is rolling out a striking visual protest spotlighting the NRA Children’s Museum representing 4,368 victims, in which some of the 52 buses feature artifacts, photos, videos, audio recordings, and personal memories of children who have lost their lives to guns since 2020.

The NRA Children’s Museum said they chose Cruz’s home as the inaugural location for the procession because he is the top recipient of funding from gun lobbyists in Texas.

Change the Ref is the non-profit organization leading the tour, whose co-founders are Manuel and Patricia Oliver, the parents of Joaquin Oliver, who died in the Parkland shooting in 2018.

Manuel Oliver hand-delivered a note to Ted Cruz written by his then 12-year-old son urging universal background checks.

Cruz’s office issued a statement on Thursday about the event.

“Senator Cruz is committed to enacting policies that would stop school shootings. To that end, he introduced legislation to double the number of school resource officers, hire 15,000 school-based mental health professionals to ensure there is early intervention to identify and help at-risk kids, to provide significant resources for enhanced school safety, and to improve the gun background system and prosecute persons who try to illegally buy guns.”

ABC13, Axios, My SanAntonio