Last Call: July 23, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers! Enjoying the heat since so many of us in the country and across the world are under a gigantic heatwave? Thanks, Climate Change and thanks to those who deny it and won’t work to get anything done about it. Enough of that; it just pisses me off.

I spent the hot day painting my living room with the AC blasting but…ugh…windows open because of paint fumes. We will start on the dining room next but, I just want one room completely done at a time. Putting paint on the walls is the easy part; it’s the prep that blows. Plus, I have a ton of moulding and woodwork throughout my house and that’s the part that really sucks. Just shy of 100 year old homes have some very unique architecture that I would never change.

When we remodeled back in 2008 and 9, I had some dumbass contractor try talking me into tearing out my built-in hutch. Yeah, we didn’t hire him. We did most of the stuff ourselves. Come to think of it, he was the same dumbass that tried telling me how I wanted my kitchen. Please—and please shut the door behind you or don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out.

Of course, I have to make painting suck even more since I always do the crown moulding, the window frames, door jams, gigantic baseboards, door panels and built-in hutch a different color than the walls. Actually, I’ll be honest…I do three colors total. I think I know why people never like to help me paint but, today, I got a lot of help. Hubby painted the ceiling and my son painted a lot of the living room, more than I did. But, I’ll be doing most of the trim so, even steven.

So, what’s going on in your world?

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe! We’ve all gone back to masking up, not by mandate but by choice.

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