Sinema Leaving Democrats in Suspense

While Chuck Schumer struck a climate and tax deal with Joe Manchin on July 27, Kyrsten Sinema was left in the dark. Seven days later, Senate Democrats are still trying to find out where Sinema stands on the bil that would implement a 15 percent minimum tax on wealthy corporations and enact new energy and climate programs.

Last night, she stood on the Senate floor talking with Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton, who at the end left with a smile on his face.

The 700-page bill is set to be reviewed by the Senate parliamentarian and brought to the floor by Thursday or Friday. So far there has been no word from Sinema’s office.

Manchin cut a deal with Schumer to reform the tax code and spend $369 billion, but left Sinema out of the loop. The two worked together last year on the bipartisan infrastructure deal, and have stood together to defy changes to the filibuster rule.

Manchin has been trying to reach out to Sinema in hopes that he can explain why he struck a deal and why she should support it. On Monday he was unsuccessful, but cameras caught him on Tuesday kneeling next to her on the Senate floor as she was presiding over the floor that day.

Manchin had little detail of their conversation. “We had a nice time. We had a nice time. Next?” Manchin said tersely, looking to change the subject when pressed by reporters Tuesday afternoon. 

He also signaled that he’s open to considering any changes she might propose.  

“We’re exchanging texts back and forth,” he said. She’s “extremely bright, she works hard, she makes good decisions based on facts. I’m reliant on that.”

The Hill, Politico