Free Chat Friday, Week 31

Happy Friday, News Viewers, Coming to you from Florida. … . I drove here yesterday and got an inside view of the infrastructure along the dreaded 65 South Interstate.

Question: where are the actual humans DOING the construction that keeps the interstate narrowed down to one lane? I see barrels and pylons and stopped traffic—I just don’t see anyone working on this raggedy road.

Kentucky to Tennessee to Alabama to Georgia to Florida — this was not a spectacular drive, except for the wear and tear on the car from potholes, cracks and the stops and starts of interstate travel. Not much purple mountains majesty, THAT I can tell you….

Still, I arrived safely and am doing my Mom duty helping my oldest and his wife get moved to DC — Florida in the Rear View, a great thing…😄😄

July 30, 2022: Church and State
August 3, 2022: Pelosi in Taiwan

But enough about me…. how is everyone around the NV community? This is Friday’s free chat, the place to talk about whatever comes to mind, the place for those off topic issues, thoughts and ideas that need a home— anything goes within reason— 😎what’s happening in your neck of the woods?