With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines we may have missed or new developments providing they come from reliable and credible sources. We won’t accept any parroted, Russian propaganda from far-right ‘news’ sources unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. Nor, will we except any parroted far-right BS regarding issues occurring here, at home. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.

President Biden tested negative for COVID-19 and will safely return to public engagement. A note from Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Physician to the President. pic.twitter.com/rV7C1OSYZq
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 7, 2022
"I'm feeling great," President Biden said before boarding Marine One outside the White House. He was headed to a reunion with first lady Jill Biden in their home state of Delaware. https://t.co/CCsBqXjgDE
— ABC News (@ABC) August 7, 2022
‘My son existed’ — Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son Jesse was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, confronted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in court about the lies he spread around the massacre pic.twitter.com/7Idw6G5dZS
— NowThis Impact (@nowthisimpact) August 3, 2022
President Biden/Biden Administration:
President Joe Biden on Monday will sign legislation that makes it easier for veterans to get VA benefits after becoming sick from exposure to toxins in war zones. https://t.co/B2yG9MGYnO
— PBS News (@NewsHour) August 7, 2022
Congress: Today’s Congress category will feature primarily on Vote-a-Rama (Votearama):
From Saturday:
Kamala Harris tie breaker pic.twitter.com/7fQkpMmqF1
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 6, 2022
.@VP, after casting a tie-breaking vote to start debate on the Inflation Reduction Act, says the bill is “long overdue and is critically important.”
— Mychael Schnell (@mychaelschnell) August 6, 2022
She said the bill will “lower costs” for families and “address some of the basic needs families have been having for generations.” pic.twitter.com/ita5sZbNvh
Democratic Senators are more united in telling Bernie Sanders that he needs to let go of dental and hearing benefits for seniors than they ever were in telling Joe Manchin he needs to drop goodies for oil companies or accept cash payments for families with children. pic.twitter.com/vYiMQqfKVh
— Ben Spielberg (@BenSpielberg) August 6, 2022
Despite this, my R friends have made clear they’re completely unwilling to support this bill under any condition. None of their amendments would change that. For this reason, I’ll vote to protect the integrity of the IRA regardless of the substance of their fake amendments.
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) August 7, 2022
The Senate Floor:
Senators are still going after pulling an all-nighter debating and voting on amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act, that comprehensive climate, health care and tax bill. @AliVitali is live on Capitol Hill. #SundayTODAY pic.twitter.com/sjF9dpvChX
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) August 7, 2022
The Senate has worked overnight and into the morning as Democrats push their election-year economic package toward passage.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 7, 2022
“I think it’s gonna pass,” Biden told reporters as he left the White House early Sunday. https://t.co/OXl2vKHWwu
Sen. Bernie Sanders forcing Dems to vote down amendments that they widely support. Ds don’t want to change bill so his latest amendment to raise the corporate tax rate to pay for an expanded child credit failed 1-97, with Sanders the lone vote in the affirmative.
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) August 7, 2022
The Usual Craven Assholes:
#VOTEARAMA: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slams the Inflation Reduction Act: "Democrats have already robbed American families once through inflation and now their solution is to rob American families yet a second time." pic.twitter.com/Zhqs5BrFlx
— Forbes (@Forbes) August 6, 2022
Inflation Reduction Act votarama night. So this just happened.
— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) August 7, 2022
Sen Lindsey Graham throws a hissy-fit trying to step on Sen Tina Smith and apparently Sen Bernie Sanders starts reading the wrong amendment.
The comments LOL pic.twitter.com/hW4ePajImC
Biden's energy policy is a total failure.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) August 7, 2022
The admin even sold at least 2 million barrels from our emergency stockpile to the CCP’s state-owned oil & gas company Sinopec.
My amendment would have stopped our oil reserves from going to China. But Democrats blocked it. #votearama pic.twitter.com/T9GOu8SMWT
Stop Biden’s shadow army of 87,000 IRS agents.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) August 7, 2022
Stop the Manchin-Schumer bill. #votearama pic.twitter.com/wjGlFEkj0v
This is big government run amok.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) August 7, 2022
My amendment would have struck the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents. But Democrats want to target the American people and their small businesses will more audits.
These agents aren't going to go after billionaires. #votearama pic.twitter.com/A6uDGb9j6U
What Others are Saying:
WATCH: As the Senate continues its marathon overnight voting session, @CapehartJ breaks down the latest on the Inflation Reduction Act which could be a major legislative win for the Biden administration. Watch now @MSNBC #SundayShow pic.twitter.com/DG4IDCwcOi
— The Saturday/Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@weekendcapehart) August 7, 2022
"We know voting isn't magic. Voting is medicine. And we've got to keep taking it… "
— CNN (@CNN) August 7, 2022
Democratic gubernatorial candidate @staceyabrams says the passage of the climate and health care bill will help even if it does not include parts of President Biden's agenda. @CNNSotu #CNNSOTU pic.twitter.com/BEY17MRV6P
57 years after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, access to the ballot box is *still* under attack – including here in PA
— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) August 6, 2022
My opponent Dr. Oz has embraced Trump's voting lies.
I'll fight to protect voting rights. He'll fight to take them away. pic.twitter.com/ExhWRpe0yD
Do Better, Wisconsin:
Ron Johnson “may be the senator who most fully embodies the detached-from-reality elements of MAGA-world — the guy most likely to spend his spare time fashioning tinfoil hats while cruising QAnon message boards,” writes @mcottle. https://t.co/W9fl5e2djn
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) August 7, 2022
What Others are Saying/The Sunday Shows:
WATCH: Kansans rejected a ballot initiative to diminish abortion rights. The results could show how voters feel ahead of November.@RepNancyMace (R-S.C.): "Both sides have these extremities. … There has to be a place in the center for this very emotional issue." pic.twitter.com/rKN9OSLjw7
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) August 7, 2022
Nikki Haley on Fox News Sunday makes clear that if she runs for president, her campaign will largely be about transphobia and culture war issues pic.twitter.com/XCzL5TrIxE
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 7, 2022
Well, now this is awkward:
Lindsey Graham says Biden deserves credit for getting so much bipartisan legislation done pic.twitter.com/DTT3Zk8LCH
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 7, 2022
The Worst People in the World:
Your Brain on MAGAt:
This scum ball started all of America’s current problems! Plus he brought us Joe Biden! pic.twitter.com/WOVqLGHjAr
— Graves Williams (@GravesWilliams6) August 7, 2022
Just Because We Can:
OMG!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/70vKtOJj1L
— Dan J 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@CCG8tr) August 7, 2022
Craven Assholes:
The Fascist Fest-CPAC 2022:

Trump had the worst record on jobs and the economy of any president in history except Herbert Hoover – and the jobs lost during Trump's term were far greater than those lost under Hoover. https://t.co/r0zgxoOMdj
— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) August 6, 2022

Dementia J. Trump saying weird, creepy stuff about his Renfield, @RonnyJacksonTX. Yikes. https://t.co/VgjPXzMRUK
— Spiro’s Ghost (@AntiToxicPeople) August 6, 2022
Trump: As another example, the thing they did involving Gretchen Whitmer was fake. Just like those who instigated January 6. It was a fake. pic.twitter.com/mowtEQsGMe
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 7, 2022
Trump calls swimmer Riley Gaines up on stage and tries to give her a kiss. She flinches and pulls away. pic.twitter.com/zKSZMAEF2Y
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 7, 2022
"I've got a racist attorney general in New York that's been after me for years" — Trump pic.twitter.com/if4diRtx9i
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 7, 2022
“We should abolish the Department of Education.”
— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) August 7, 2022
– Donald Trump
If you support this tyrannical ignoramus you are an enemy of our democracy. pic.twitter.com/e5AWzdkX7J
The New Green Deal does not exist, moron:
wut pic.twitter.com/ywYv0TANe0
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 7, 2022
Kari Lake speaks at CPAC Dallas, TX "I did it my way and I listened to the good people of Arizona." Watch the full event of Rumble: https://t.co/hoDhWf5fli pic.twitter.com/vNQJXcBhzM
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) August 6, 2022