Coffee Talk

Good morning News Viewers, and congratulations for waking to another morning on the right side of the dirt!

For an entire week, I didn’t have to make the coffee before I got to drink the coffee, thanks to room service. The view was the cherry on top.

So much to be thankful for today, and to boot we can celebrate National Coffee Day.

Coffee Talk is your free chat of the day, where we encourage you to talk about anything you’d like, but offer an alternative….

Today’s Topic

With so much distress on our minds, watching people suffer — some with causes of their own making, but others without — we sometimes forget to post Good News topics.

What good news can you share with us today?

Sometimes it’s a daunting task to find positivity in our lives, but there are times it’s easy when you observe the troubles of others. Today might be one of those days.

Or it might not…. Enjoy your free chat, your Thursday, and your (free?) coffee!