Coffee Talk

Good morning, News Viewers, welcome to Thursday’s free chat zone, Coffee Talk.

This is where you can Coffee Talk about unlimited topics, including people, places, pets, or plans. Your topic of choice is why Coffee Talk exists, because we all need a place to speak our piece freely.

In case you don’t have a topic in mind, Coffee Talk offers a topic just for fun.

Today’s Topic:

Tune into your right-brain this morning, and help us lighten the mood. Check out the following photos and see if you can create your own caption for one or more.

Photo A:

Photo B:

Photo C:

Photo D:


What do you see?

It’s Thursday morning, we’re in a state of free chat.

Play along and have fun, or tell us what’s going on in your kingdom today.

Enjoy your free chat, and have a great Thursday!

P.S. — GOTV, and get your ballots turned in! Five days to go!!