Coffee Talk

Grab your coffee, friends!

Today’s Topic

There is a blizzard buzzing around a third of the country, and for those who might be missing out on that kind of fun, don’t worry — there is a plethora of illnesses to sidestep if you dare leave your house.

Sometimes you don’t have to seek it out, it comes to you.

My Christmas company came on Sunday and left this morning, leaving not much behind except dirty beds, towels, some mixed nuts and whatever illness they all had hanging in the air. Coughing, fevers, intestinal distresses from top to bottom — you name it, and I put up with it. Even below freezing temperatures couldn’t keep me from opening every window and grabbing the Clorox and Lysol to begin the decontamination process.

I’m over Christmas, I’m ready to celebrate Festivus, the secular holiday created by the Costanzas of Seinfeld, celebrated on December 23, and I would characterize it as the War on commercial Christmas. It featured a meal of meatloaf, “Feats of Strength,” and my focus today: “The Airing of Grievances.”

Don’t be shy, this is Thursday’s free chat, and your big chance to air your own grievances, whatever they may be. Let’s clear the air and embrace your inner bah-humbug.

What are your grievances?

Enjoy your free chat, your Thursday, and in case of blizzard-related power and internet outages, enjoy your Festivus and your Christmas!