Coffee Talk

Good morning, Coffee Talkers, and welcome to the 2022 Coffee Talk finale.

Hope you can join me with a steamy cup of Joe and some breakfast niblets.

I made a big batch of blueberry pancakes earlier this week for post-Christmas company, and I’ve been nibbling away at the leftovers with a sprinkle of sugar. I like to zhuzh up a pre-made pancake mix that is one of those “just add water” boxes. I add some fresh baking powder, an egg, and some macerated blueberries. They looked something like this…

… sans syrup. I enjoy pancakes with a little butter and a sprinkle of sugar instead of maple syrup that makes them soggy.

But now they’re gone. In fact, I believe the last crumbs of all Christmas leftovers are officially gone, and I might add — good riddance.

Today’s Topic

Enough of the extra sweets and carbs…..

It’s time for a fresh start. A New Year to me always means, “Another chance to improve what you could have done better,” or a “fresh start.”

Let’s NOT call them resolutions, but any plans for a New Year’s fresh start?

2022 has been tough and it feels like we’ve been saying this for the last few years.

What can we do to make 2023 easier, better, and less stressful?

I personally feel the need to spend more time outdoors in every season, it seems healthier for both my body and mind.

What say you?

Of course, this is your free chat space, so use it as you like — whether you need to get something off your chest… or to share your thoughts of the coming year.

(Or talk about cats…)

Enjoy your Thursday free chat!