Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

It’s Monday folks, a fact you no doubt already knew. If only we didn’t know the rest of it — walls of water, crushed cities, wars and rumors of wars, temperatures rising, forests burning, animals MORE

Last Call

Last Call: October 01, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers, and welcome to October! It’s Pumpkin Magic time. No, not that ‘fool’s errand’ antibody test to determine immunity; we have vaccines and boosters to protect us from getting extremely sick and MORE


DOJ Moves to Appeal Judge Cannon Again

Feds Seek to Fast-Track Appeal in Trump Mar-a-Lago Documents Fight The Justice Department moved to quickly dismantle the independent review of documents seized from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, contending that the review — ordered by MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 39

Happy Friday, News Viewers, and welcome to our Friday Free Chat — somehow, September ended, school started, COVID continued and the wrath of Nature sent Fiona, Merdok, Nora, Nanmadol, Muifa, the Sindh floods and more MORE