Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers — this is our Monday Free Chat — Free Range has an environmental bent but it’s an open forum, anything goes, everything stays, yada yada, (of course, we DO still respect MORE

Last Call

Last Call: February 5, 2022

Gooood Evening, News Viewers and welcome to the first Saturday of the month. I’m glad you guys had fun requesting songs about Trump on PMS’ thread. What else is going on in your world? I’m MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 5

Happy Friday News Viewers, and welcome to Friday’s free chat, where it’s always warm, sunny, civil, reasonably sane, free of plagues and novel viruses, where books are treasured and insurrectionists are jailed. OK, so this MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers — it is still morning and the coffee is not working as well as I’d hoped to clear the lead from my veins. Shingrix — I’ll just say that I sure hope MORE