Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

🎶Monday, Monday. Can’t trust that day. . . . 🎶 (On Monday morning you gave me no warning of what was to be!) Unless it’s Monday’s Free Chat on NV, Free Range, the anything-goes-within-or-without-reason, so MORE

Last Call

Last Call: January 22, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday! Time to let off a bit of steam, pour yourself your favorite beverage, kick back, and chit chat. What’s on tonight’s menu? Pasta Primavera….just picked a bunch of MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Happy Thursday morning, NewsViewers, where at Coffee Talk we focus on the lifeblood of the coffeholics among us before we dig in to some free chatting. At Coffee Talk, we give you the platform to MORE

Breaking News

Senate GQP blocks the Voting Rights Bill

Associated Press: “This is not just another routine day in the Senate, this is a moral moment,” said Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga.  Voting legislation that Democrats and civil rights groups argued is vital for protecting democracy MORE