Last Call: January 07, 2023

Good evening, News Viewers, and welcome to the weekend and welcome to the first weekend of the new year.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Just a heads up for Californians. We’re under a heavy wind advisory and flood watch. Be safe–If you don’t have to go out in this crap, stay home, seriously. I think I got everything we need for the week and will more than likely, remain indoors for the next several days. Damn, it! Just thought of a few more things. I’ll order them and do curbside pick-up.

I know we need the rain but we’re saturated and need a few days to dry out. Everytime we get even the smallest break between these pile up on top of each other storms, I’m outside picking up tree limbs, knocked over flower pots, and other debris. It’s insane.

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