Liveblog - ICYMI: February 10, 2023

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources.  In other words, please do not post any missed headlines form far right ‘news’ sources or regurgitate their Russian propaganda unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation.   We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.

Friendly Reminder:


Little Jimmy ‘Jernalist:’

The Courts: Gunz!

Appeals court ruling says alleged domestic abusers have a constitutional right to keep their guns

Advocates for domestic violence victims were stunned by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, which continued a string of court decisions citing the Second Amendment to erase gun restrictions.

The GQP’s Major Problem with Cuts or Eliminating Social Security and Medicare:


The Republican clown-car caucus is undermining itself

By Eugene Robinson Columnist

Already, it is safe to say that the brand-new House Republican majority is off to an awful, abysmal, amateurish and appalling start. And those are just the applicable adjectives that begin with the letter A.

Their embarrassing performance at Tuesday night’s State of the Union address — where President Biden handled their boorish heckling with ease, making them look both obnoxious and ineffectual — put them in a hole. And then, for some unfathomable reason, they kept digging.

The Worst and Stupidest People in the World:

Corporate America donated $36M to election objectors in 2022 election: analysis

Spoiler Alert:

  • AT&T was the top company donor to the 147 Republicans in the 2022 election cycle, giving roughly $630,000.
  •  Home Depot ($478,000)
  • Lockheed Martin ($440,000)
  • UPS ($411,000)
  • Boeing ($392,000)
  • Comcast, which previously paused donations to the election objectors to review its “political giving policies and practices,” donated $382,000. 


Craven Assholes:

The Clown House Hearings:

Broken Clock Alert:


House briefing on China spy balloon turns tense with Greene comments: ‘I chewed them out’

“I had to wait in line the whole time. I was I think the second to last person, and I chewed them out just like the American people would’ve,” Greene told The Hill. “I tore ‘em to pieces.”

One lawmaker who attended the briefing said the exchange between Greene and the officials included profanities.

“When she got to ask questions,” the lawmaker recalled, “she was yelling out saying ‘bullshit,’ and, you know, ‘I don’t believe you.’”

“Just screaming and yelling, irrational in my estimation,” the lawmaker added.

George Santos or Whatever His Name Is:

Typical Stupidity:

State News:

Must be the Western Route:


Chaos erupts at Michigan Capitol as Senate adjourns abruptly amid tax bill dispute

 Chaos erupted at the Michigan Capitol as Senate Republican lawmakers abruptly adjourned for the weekend while Democratic lawmakers were meeting privately Thursday.

The disagreement started when the House passed a bill that would ease taxes for low-income workers and give tax-paying Michiganders a $180 check.

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