Sarah Palin Thinks DeSantis Should Stay Governor

Talks About Who Trump's VP Pick Should Be (wink-wink)

Appearing on Newsmax on Tuesday, Sarah Palin weighed in with Eric Bolling about Governor Ron DeSantis jumping into the presidential race for 2024.

Sarah said DeSantis should “stay governor” for a while.

“I envision him as our president someday but not right now.”

A recent poll from Monmouth showed DeSantis and Trump essentially tied for the Republican nomination. Sarah, however, was confident in Trump.

*Word Salad Alert

“Well, I think–I’m assuming it’s gonna be Trump that’s the nominee,” she replied. “Trump needs to choose somebody who, like him, has nothing to lose. What more can they do to that person personally or verbal attacks or anything else on on family? That person has been through the wringer, so they know what they’re getting into. And that person then can just focus on doing what’s right for the people.”

“Are you described yourself?” Bolling asked.

“Not necessarily,” Palin answered, just short of saying you betcha. “However, I’ll tell you, the opportunity that I had to run with someone who wasn’t as commonsense [of a] constitutional conservative as I, and I think the majority of Republicans were.”

Sarah Palin: What do you have to lose?

The Hill, Mediaite