Coffee Talk

Buenos dias, Coffee Talkers, hope it’s a beautiful day where you live…

It’s awful here! Mixed precipitation for over 24 hours and gusty winds expected today leave me grateful for a generator on stand-by. While providing heat, lights, and water, it cannot provide a sustained internet service where I live, so fingers crossed for continued connection through the day.

But enough about me and my crap weather.

Today’s Topic

Let’s talk tacos. I can hear that collective “Yum!” from here, with or without the internet. Why do we love them so much? One reason for me is that they’re easy to make, and adaptable to what you have on hand (generally).

Did I hear that “Yum” a few more times??

Today’s Question:

Yep, let’s taco ’bout it all.

Hard shell vs. soft shell?

What’s the best cheese?

What’s the best protein?

You get the idea. I need some (ideas, that is!)….

Hope you all have a great Thursday and stay safe if you’re in the winter storm zone!