Free Chat Friday, Week 9

NO, you are not dreaming. It really IS morning, and it really IS time to get up, tragic though that may feel. On the up side, it’s Friday morning, not Monday or Tuesday, reminding us that work weeks are one of those odd endings we look forward to.

There are other endings that aren’t as bright and shiny — the end of Fall and Farmer’s Markets, the end of the yearly ritualistic re-do of –The Wire, The Godfather 1,2/Terminator 1,2 /Alien(s) 1,2 /Pride&Prejudice- Sense&Sensibility/ Tender Mercies, Poldark, Fiddler, Roman Holiday, The Natural, Lonesome Dove and The Thing ( among others–you get the idea) — the end of a good book (that list is way TOO long). . .

And doubly so the end of childhood far too soon, the end of safety, civility, playing outside, trees, clear creeks, dark skies, real food, a union of states, peace and the two-party system, democracy, the vote. . . .

Although, to be honest, while the end of the Republican Party in its “ultra-MAGA” permutation is Snoopy happy dance time, the death of my dear Dad’s ancient version of the GOP is sentimental.

Endings, beginnings, somewhere in between….SO, what now? W T F? Let’s talk about it this first Friday of March in a mixed up 2023.

This is our Friday open forum– any topic, joke, insight, admission, observation, theory, solution or emoji, gif, meme, tweet or very very very short video clip, all within reason and the bounds of civility and non-knuckleheadish arseholery. What ‘s going on, ya buncha geniuses? — here in the holler, SHOCKER, it’s raining……