New Poll Shows GOP Voters Prefer a Candidate Who Shares Their “Values” Over One Who Can Beat Biden

A new CNN poll of GOP voters and independents who lean GOP shows that those voters prefer a candidate who shares their “values” and beliefs over a candidate who can beat President Biden.

The poll of 1,045 conducted between March 8-12 asked if they would “choose a candidate who agrees with their views on major issues (59%) over one who has a strong chance to beat Biden (41%).”

Of those rising to the top of the list, 40% say they would most likely back Trump and 36% Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. No other candidate reaches double digits, with former Vice President Mike Pence and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley at 6% each.

When asked what issues were most important, 32 percent of respondents said the economy, followed by 16 percent who said immigration, 13 percent said candidate qualities, and 9 percent said foreign policy.

Notably, only 7 percent said the size of government or government spending and another 7 percent said “issues related to values, morals, and rights.”

Asked to weigh in on the importance of different qualities for a candidate, 87 percent said demonstrated sharpness and stamina are “essential.”

Mediaite, CNN