Man Pleads Guilty of Threatening to Grind Judge’s Wife Into a Flaky Crusted Meat Pie

A Michigan man has pleaded guilty in a federal court to threatening to kill a local judge and grind his wife into a flaky crusted meat pie.

Jeremy S. Adams, 50, on Monday appeared before U.S. District Magistrate Judge Curtis Ivy Jr. and pleaded guilty to using the internet to communicate an interstate threat to kill or injure. The charge is punishable by up to five years in prison followed by up to three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine.

“RHnegHumanoid” was Adams’ Twitter handle, according to an affidavit from the FBI, and the user name was cross-linked to a Reddit account of the same name.

Adams had tagged the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Michigan State Police, the FBI, and the U.S. Marshals Services in his tweets.

A history of threatening tweets began on May 2 targeting a neighboring couple, their two children, and the children’s grandmother, saying they “have all participated in my torture and manipulation.” Adams goes on to say they “plan to start shooting those have been keeping me captive. If there is an open opportunity to kill oppressors, I am going to take it.”

Other tweets were directed at law enforcement. “FBI or MARSHALS show, I lay my guns down. I didnt want any of this but imma Start killing these lowlife (expletives) today.”

On Reddit, Adams was more morbid, describing grisly details of what he would do to others. He often stated his hatred for racists, numerous public officials, and members of motorcycle clubs, or MCs.

On June 14, Adams focused his tweets on a judge he called “dishonorable judge mench.” There is no Judge Mench in Michigan. However, Adams has had a personal protection order denied him by Circuit Court Judge Roy G. Mienk.

Adams’ tweets described how he would kill the judge after forcing him to watch his wife being killed, put through a meat grinder, and made into pasties.

“Don’t worry, I can make a nice butter, flaky crust and yall wont be able to tell its human meat,” the tweets stated. “He abused his power. I am going to take his life, gladly.”

*This is not Jeremy Adams. ^^^

Adams stated through tweets he was targeting individuals, not random people.

“My targets are not random and random humans will not be harmed. I only want those in the MCs that have tortured and manipulated me for almost 7 years. My list includes the wives they used against me and the children they also used against me but no innocents.”

Adams also offered his body for sale to the chair of the Harvard Department of Psychology to the tune of $10 million. He stipulated the seller was to keep $5 million, tax-free, no questions asked, describing the amount as a “bounty for research materials.”
