FL Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Removed Key Data From Vaccine Study 

Ladapo pals around with Dr. Simone Gold, far right, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. Gold and her coalition of physicians have pushed conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 vaccine and pushed horse paste for COVID. She also did 6 months for her role on Jan. 6. Next to Gold is Pastor Dr. Stella Immanuel who made news when she called hydroxychloroquine a “cure” for COVID-19 in a viral video shared by then-President Donald Trump. She told the Chronicle in August 2020 that she had treated more than 400 patients with it. She claimed certain medical conditions stemmed from demonic sperm in demon dream sex and that alien DNA was being used as medicine. Nuff said.


Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced in October that young men should not get the COVID-19 vaccine, guidance that runs counter to medical advice issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

His recommendation was based on a state analysis that showed the risk of cardiac-related deaths increased significantly for some age groups after receiving a vaccine. It has been criticized by experts, including professors and epidemiologists at the University of Florida, where Ladapo is employed as a professor.

Now, draft versions of the analysis obtained by the Tampa Bay Times show that this recommendation was made despite the state having contradictory data. It showed that catching COVID-19 could increase the chances of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the vaccine.Matt Hitchings, an infectious disease epidemiologist and professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida, told the Times that it seems that sections of the analysis were omitted because they did not fit the narrative the surgeon general wanted to push.



Rare cases of myocarditis have been reported following the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly among young males after a second dose. Most cases resolve quickly without the need for advanced therapies, although research on any potential long-term effects is ongoing. Nonetheless, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks in all populations, even in young males.

Who’s ability to think clearly has been corrupted?

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