Coffee Talk

Good morning, ladies and germs…

It’s a fine Thursday morning, and it’s time to get caffeinated for another day of analyzing the freaks and goons in our purview.

Coffee Talk is a warm-up to more serious topics of discussion, and an opportunity to discuss what might be out of our usual boundaries. You can decide the topic to share here, or you can check out the suggested topic of the day and play along.

Today’s Topic

Last night I came across this gem and felt I had to share with my friends. ICYMI.

The guest of honor at the White House state dinner, President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea, became the star of the show.

The scheduled entertainment — a musical trio of some Broadway performers — had been asked by FLOTUS Dr. Jill to sing her favorite song, American Pie by Don McLean, as an encore. As the Broadway performers finished their act, President Yoon took to the stage.

What the Bidens didn’t know is that President Yoon himself could sing.

*And here I’ll edit in a better clip for you to enjoy.

Do you have a favorite “American” song?

I know it’s early, but share what comes to mind, if anything.

Otherwise, it’s a free chat here at News Views, and it’s time for my second cup. Ya’ll know what to do from here.

Enjoy your Thursday, friends, and share some tunes if you can.