Free Range Free Chat

Good morning!

As Free Range Free Chat focuses on chatting freely about all things nature, fauna and flora, it is nonetheless a free chat where anything goes. It’s time to catch up after our first weekend of June, trying to keep pace with news that happens faster than you can say Monday Morning.

Did you happen to know that this is National Fishing and Boating Week?

The first day of summer isn’t officially until June 21, but the recreational fishing community is celebrating all things “piscifauna” from June 3 until June 11.

The U.S. Government, under Dubya, made it an official national week in 2002, to help support and protect the economies surrounding our local fisheries and natural waterways.

From National Today:

The U.S. is blessed with countless lakes and rivers. These water sources allow locals to enjoy recreational activities like boating and fishing. Each year, hundreds of Americans indulge in these fun water activities. Apart from being a great form of outdoor activity, fishing and boating have a key role in building the nation’s economy.

The fishing and boating industry in the U.S. provides hundreds of jobs to the locals and generates a great amount of revenue, which is used by the government to save the sea animals and their habitats.

From NOAA:

Given the sheer size of the recreational fishing community, there are countless ways that we all can be good resource stewards, practice conservation habits, and safeguard critical marine species. This can range from using best practices when releasing your catch, to protecting sensitive marine habitats that support our fisheries, as well as avoiding interactions with marine mammals and protected species.  Avoiding interactions with marine mammals and protected species whenever possible is essential. 

Make it a good National Fishing and Boating Week, but especially make it a good Monday free chat!