Special Counsel Focuses on Trump’s Oval Office Meeting

Shortly after losing the 2020 election, TFG and several of his finest people met in the Oval Office to strategize on how TFG could remain in office. Rudy G spent two days talking with federal prosecutors last month but it appears “prosecutors have specifically inquired about three outside Trump advisers who participated in the meeting: former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, one-time national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne,” according to CNN.

Both Powell and Byrne previously spoke at length under oath about the meeting and other topics to the House committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. Flynn declined to answer questions in his committee interview, by asserting his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne responded in a tweet:

During the infamous meeting, TFG’s finest people faced off with top West Wing attorneys over a plan to have the military seize voting machines in crucial states that Trump had lost. They also discussed naming Powell as special counsel to investigate supposed voter fraud, and Trump invoking martial law as part of his efforts to overturn the election.

Shouting and insults ensued; the night ended with Trump tweeting that a coming gathering in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, to protest the election results “will be wild.”

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