MAGA Goes on Offense Against RFK Jr

Team Trump is quietly preparing to go on offense against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as internal campaign polling suggests his third party bid, announced today, could draw more votes from Trump than President Joe Biden in a general election.

(Really?? I would’ve never guessed that.)

Bobby Jr. has himself suggested he’d be likely to rely on Republican support, saying in a recent podcast interview that he “takes more votes from President Trump than” from Biden.

One person close to Trump’s campaign said it showed that Kennedy took more votes from Trump than left-wing independent Cornel West drew from Biden when both were tested.

With MAGA anxious about the polling, TFG’s campaign and outside allies are also preparing to release an onslaught of opposition research.

The RNC and Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who helped organize fake electors to help Trump overturn the 2020 election, has now issued a memo with 23 different reasons why MAGA should not support RFK Jr.

The list can be found here, but included is a claim that RFK Jr. is a — GASP!! election denier.

He called the 2000 presidential election stolen “under a cloud of dirty tricks” and said Republicans “fixed” the 2004 presidential election. Oh my.

Also, Kennedy supports aspects of the Democratic agenda, such as supporting abortion rights and climate change initiatives.