Talko Tuesday: November 28, 2023

Good morning, News Viewers, and welcome to a freezing day (yes, literally) in sunny California. Damn, I hope we get rain to get rid of this freaking butt-ass cold snap we’re having. I know, I know, 33 degrees is probably a heat wave for some of you. Me? It sucks! I like the cold as much as I like the heat, not at all. But, enough about our cold weather.

So, anyone participate in Black Friday? I had to run to Target to pick up a few things and it was dead! I mean, dead. I don’t do malls so I have no clue how one of the malls somewhat close to me was like and…I really don’t care. I usually like to check out Small Business Saturday and there were booths set up all up the street from me but, I was in the kitchen roasting a turkey and ham. Not like I need anything but, the walk is always nice.

Did anyone find any good deals on Cyber Monday? I did….a freaking textbook I need and it’s in my Amazon cart . (Watch those evil bastards raise the price on me because I didn’t buy it last night).

Anyway, enjoy the day and stay safe. Everyone around me seems to have a cold so, I’m keeping my distance.

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