FACT CHECK: No, ‘White Lung Syndrome’ is Not a New Illness Spreading in the U.S.

The following is a headline and the lead I came across at a Shit Hole.

Covid-23 is HERE. “White Lung Syndrome” encountered in 150+ kids in Ohio and Mass*.

“NOTHING TO SEE HERE. We were warned about a looming pandemic in 2018-19 then later warned a new pandemic “worse than Covid” was coming. “They” are cagey because “they” know the public won’t buy another novel “naturally occuring” [sic] virus out of China. So “they” created a new “cocktail” that includes bacterial and viral components. How soon until the lockdowns start?” (my quotation marks)

Back to reality. There were 145 cases of pediatric pneumonia in Warren County Ohio, some in Massachusetts, and China. That much is true. Here’s what the fact check stated.

Warren County did not use the term “white lung syndrome” to describe the outbreak.

✱ “There has been zero evidence of this outbreak being connected to other outbreaks, either statewide, nationally or internationally,” the health district said. 

✱A spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also said there is no indication of a link between infections in China and the U.S.

✱ On a national level, the CDC is seeing about the same number and type of pneumonia cases in children and adults that it typically does at this time of year, according to the spokesperson.  

✱ China has seen an uptick in outpatient consultations and hospital admissions due to a type of bacteria called mycoplasma pneumoniae since May, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 

✱ But these are known pathogens, not any new viral or bacterial infections. 

✱ Shira Doron, M.D., chief infection control officer for Tufts Medicine, told VERIFY “there is no such thing as ‘white lung syndrome,’” adding that it is a “FAKE term.”

✱ People are likely using the term “white lung” because pneumonia shows up on a chest x-ray, which is a black-and-white image, as more whiteness than usual. But it’s not a new or unknown illness, as online posts and headlines suggest. 

✱ These cases of pediatric pneumonia — which some have referred to as “white lung syndrome” — most typically cause cough, fever and fatigue. Doctors say most cases of bacterial pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics and most don’t require hospitalization.

✱ No, there isn’t a new illness called “white lung syndrome” spreading in the U.S.

There have been no deaths.




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