Free Chat Friday, Week 5

No really, it IS Friday again, I am not kidding — not only that, it’s February, a new month, even though Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2023 were yesterday…… we still have our job to do.

Shakespeare preaches best when he is channeled by Hamlet….. “The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, that ever we were born to set it right. . . “

Yes, eloquent Bard, you speak the truth and one of ours, D. Byron, has been resolute for months in the prediction that yes, this time will be set right, that what has looked like a paradigm of freedom’s failure will in fact shift to a new paradigm or model of freedom, equality and honest expression. World View shifting. Oh yeah….

The paradigm shift. The paradigm of autocracy and dependency is changing in front of our .eyes. Biden, 2024. Equal Rights, human rights, a flourishing nation and a successful civic experiment.

So Happy Friday, you buncha Mensas — this is our Friday Free Chat, the place we decide out loud to accept and act to be part of that shift away from oppressive control and toward the goal of “setting it right”…..

Toward that end, what are your thoughts, ideas and plans, whether grand, manageable, small or incremental, daily? Let’s talk about it…..